
The SMAS Facelift: The Natural Choice for Natural-Looking Results

The subtle changes that your face undergoes over the years do not become apparent until a certain age. Eventually, you start noticing a natural sag and consequent wrinkling in the skin. There are a number of natural factors, including genetics, age, pollution, sun exposure, unhealthy diet, and consumption of certain hazardous drugs, that can cause your skin to lose its natural elasticity. It is nearly impossible to restore a youthful firmness and radiance of your skin by merely using expensive beauty products.

Most of you must have heard about a plastic surgery procedure called a facelift that is employed by plastic surgeons worldwide for facial rejuvenation and correction of the first visible signs of aging. This procedure often has the negative side effect of creating a windblown and unnatural look for the face. Happily, this traditional facelift procedure has undergone a dramatic evolution that has led to the introduction of a highly advanced variation called the SMAS facelift, which provides results that are much more natural-looking.

What Is the SMAS Facelift?

The SMAS facelift is gaining tremendous popularity given its highly natural and long-lasting results. The SMAS, or superficial musculoaponeurotic system, facelift is the corrective surgery aimed at fixing sagging in the layers of connective tissue and muscles that provide support to the midface, jawline, and neck region. By firming and reconstructing the internal framework of facial muscles and tissues, the SMAS facelift can help achieve an improvement in the appearance of the neck, cheeks, jowls, chin, and forehead.

How Is the SMAS Facelift Performed?

Like any other regular surgery, the SMAS facelift is performed by first administering either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation with local anesthesia to minimize the discomfort of the operation. The doctor will then create incisions where the lift is to be achieved. A three-layer section of the skin is released, prompting the SMAS framework to pull these layers taut. The excess loose tissue is then trimmed away and the wound is sutured for further healing. The idea of the SMAS facelift is not only to reconstruct the underlying tissue structure of the face but also provide a natural lift to the overlying skin.

How Is the SMAS Facelift a Better Alternative to the Traditional Facelift Procedures?

Arrange Your Consultation for a SMAS Facelift

If you are interested in the benefits provided by a SMAS facelift, contact our office and set up an appointment for an informative consultation. set up an appointment for an informative consultation with experienced and skilled plastic surgeons, Doctors Andrew Ordon & Ritu Chopra who have deep knowledge of the SMAS facelift technique with deep knowledge of the SMAS facelift technique.