
Breast Enhancement Breast Augmentation Beverly Hills Implants

Breast enhancement is a procedure providing hope and encourage to all those who may feel insecure about their body by enhancing your appearance with either a subtle or dramatic augmentation. There are many reasons women choose to undergo a breast augmentation, and there are techniques available that are designed to meet those various reasons.

A breast enhancement often incorporates the use of either saline or silicone implants and can be customized to numerous shapes and sizes. Patients will work with their surgeon to choose a breast size and implant type. Some women may prefer the look and feel of silicone implants, where others feel that saline implants are right for them. Silicone is by far the more popular option of the two.

No matter which implant you decide on, both have been proven safe over the years through numerous studies.

Contact wan experienced board-certified cosmetic surgeon, like Dr. Andrew Ordon and Dr. Ritu Chopra, for more information on getting a breast enhancement.