
Facelift Wrinkles Beverly Hills Rhytidectomy

Wrinkling and sagging on our face and neck are almost guaranteed to happen at some point if we live long enough. When they appear, that’s when you realize your youth is starting to pass you by. Luckily, with advances in surgical techniques over the years, we can now fight against the aging process with a facelift.

Wrinkles and sagging occur when collagen and elastin in the skin begin to break down and not function or replenish as they once did. This makes the skin sag and wrinkle.

Facelift techniques vary and are customized to match the patient’s cosmetic desires. When opting for a facelift, it’s good to know that there are several technique options, like the O Lift, that you and board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon can discuss during the initial consultation.

If you would like to know more about facelift details, contact Dr. Ordon at our Beverly Hills location today to set up an appointment.