
Would You Like Sculpted Thighs?

Sculpted thighs can give definition to your entire lower body. Thighs with excess fat deposits, on the other hand, can look disproportionate if your upper body is slimmer. If you haven’t been able to reduce your thigh size with exercise or dieting, a thigh lift might be the surgery for you.

Cellulite and Sagging

Thighs are prone to developing many aesthetic issues. The skin can sag in various places and make your thighs look unattractive. Fat can gather on the thighs and simply refuse to budge. Cellulite may develop.

These issues can occur as a result of natural aging. If you have had sudden or significant weight fluctuations, this can also lead to these problems.

Some people are able to reduce their thigh size but find it impossible to remove fat from inner area. And even if you have a slimmer body, you may still have thighs that are bigger, which can make it very difficult to find clothes that fit well or look good.

Thigh Lift – An Effective Solution

A thigh lift (thighplasty) is a plastic surgery procedure designed to get rid of many types of excess tissue from the thighs, resulting in slimmer sculpted thighs that are more attractive.

Your thigh lift will be designed for your unique needs. If you need work on the inner thighs only, an inner thighplasty can help you remove excess fat and sagging skin from this area. If the problem is only on the outer thighs, your doctor can address it through a bilateral procedure.

Before and After the Procedure

The first step is to consult with your plastic surgeon. During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will be gathering data in order to plan out your thigh lift procedure. This process includes discussing your aesthetic goals, examining your thighs, and learning about your complete medical history, including any medications you are currently taking.

You will need to refrain from smoking for a few weeks before and after your thigh lift surgery. You will also need to stop using pain medication, blood-thinning pills, and vitamin or herbal supplements before the procedure to minimize bruising and bleeding risks.

The surgery itself can last for a few hours. It can be done using general anesthesia, but you may also have the option to opt for local anesthesia with IV sedation. Your doctor will discuss the anesthesia options with your prior to your surgery.

Once the surgery is complete, you will begin the healing process. It will be important to rest and to avoid any physically taxing activities for around two weeks after the procedure. You will have some swelling and bruising in the thighs, which will subside as the healing progresses. You may be able to resume your normal work and daily routines after a few weeks.

Once the healing is complete, you will be able to see the full results of the surgery. Your results can be long-lasting if you make sure to maintain your weight and continue with healthy diet and exercise habits.

Make Your Appointment for a Consultation

Contact our office to schedule a consultation for your thigh lift. Doctors Andrew Ordon and Ritu Chopra are experienced plastic surgeons with numerous satisfied patients and will be happy to help.