
Thermage Anti-Aging Treatment Beverly Hills

Thermage, a cutting-edge cosmetic technology approved by the FDA in 2002, is an exciting non-invasive anti-aging treatment. Though often compared to a facelift, Thermage is not a substitute for an extensive surgical lift but rather is a subtler smoothing and enhancing treatment.

With the skills of the experienced team at Ordon & Chopra Plastic Surgery, Thermage can effectively tighten sagging skin and smooth lines on the face.

Radio waves provide heat to the collagen layer of the skin and cause protein in the collagen to contract, which results in tightening of the skin. Patients experience a mild pinching and heating, but this is temporary, and the procedure is over in about an hour.

If you would like to know more about how Thermage anti-aging treatment can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, feel free to contact us at our office in Beverly Hills.