
Plump Lips with the Help of Restylane Silk

Beautiful and full lips make a strong first impression. Unfortunately, not many of us are blessed with a pair of perfectly shaped plump lips. A number of women opt for Restylane Silk injections in order to make the lips fuller and more attractive.

Restylane Silk

Restylane is an FDA-approved non-animal-based dermal filler composed of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally found within the human body. The chances of Restylane being rejected by the body’s immune system are quite low.

Restylane Silk is a variety of Restylane that is specifically designed to enhance the shape of the lips. It is in fact the first lip augmentation product that was approved by the FDA. Restylane Silk can also be used to smooth out the wrinkles that appear around the mouth.

Restylane Silk helps patients achieve better and more natural-looking results compared to other dermal fillers. Being a non-animal filler, it is relatively much safer as well.

The difference between Restylane and Restylane Silk is that the particles of hyaluronic acid present in Restylane Silk are smaller and smoother compared to other Restylane products.

Restylane Silk is one of the newest dermal fillers that is produced by Galderma. Restylane Silk comes with 0.3% lidocaine, a local anesthetic that is typically used to numb tissues in a target area. The lidocaine in Restylane Silk helps reduce the discomfort that may occur at the time of administering the injections.

Prior to the Procedure

Before the Restylane Silk treatment, make sure to discuss any previous drug allergies, skin disorders, or scarring with your surgeon during a consultation. You will be asked to refrain from smoking or taking any pills such as aspirin or ibuprofen right before the treatment in order to rule out any potential complications.

Restylane Silk is administered with the help of a needle into targeted areas. The effects of Restylane Silk last for about six months, after which the treatment can be repeated if you so desire.

After the Procedure

Immediately after your Restylane Lift treatment, patients are likely to experience some slight swelling and redness around the area where the injections have been administered. This is a side effect of the treatment and is likely to subside soon. Patients are recommended to use ice packs to help bring down the swelling. Swelling, bruising, and tenderness are likely to subside within a week or two.

Patients must refrain from using any cosmetic products on the site of injection until complete healing has taken place. Also, proper care must be taken in order to avoid injuries to the injection sites, as they increase the risk of contracting infections and experiencing other complications.

Make an Appointment for Your Consultation

Interested in seeing the effects of Restylane Silk injections for yourself? Contact our office for a consultation if you would like to learn more about this convenient and effective way to achieve more beautiful and voluminous lips. Doctors Andrew Ordon and Ritu Chopra are experienced plastic surgeons with the skills necessary to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.