
Neck Lift Techniques to Address Excess Sagging Tissue

Due to environmental conditions, genes, heredity, aging, and several other factors, you can lose the graceful contours in your lower face, jaw, and neck area. This takes away the youthfulness of your skin and makes you look older than you are.

Using beauty products is not of much help and does not guarantee that you’ll get your lost glow back. Similarly, using makeup to contour and highlight only hides the sag and does not provide a permanent solution. To fix this problem, the cosmetic world has brought us the neck lift.

What Is the Neck Lift?

The neck lift is a procedure that removes the signs of aging and other problems in the jawline. It helps treat excess and sagging skin. Tightening and contouring the face makes it look attractive and can bring back your self-confidence.

Neck Lift Techniques

During a neck lift, several techniques may be performed in order to address different types of tissues.

Platysmaplasty: This is a method of dealing with drooping platysma muscle tissue. During this technique, sections of muscle tissue may be trimmed, and the muscles will be tightened with the help of internal sutures.

Liposuction: This is a method of removing excess fatty tissue. During this technique, excess fat cells are suctioned out of the region with the help of a cannula.

Cervicoplasty: This is a method of trimming away sagging skin. During this technique, a scalpel is used to remove areas of excess skin. The remaining skin is redraped and tightened.

Are You a Candidate for a Neck Lift?

You may be considered a good candidate for a neck lift if you are facing problems of sagging and loose skin in your jawline and neck. If you want a contoured and youthful-looking face, this could be the procedure for you.

Your surgeon will need to hear about your medical history during a consultation to know if you are suffering from any condition that might disrupt the healing process. You should not be a smoker and should have realistic goals in mind regarding the procedure.

How to Prepare for a Neck Lift

Before the surgery, your surgeon will ask you to follow his instructions. You may need to do the following:

• You might need to get a medical or lab test done.

• You might be asked to stop your medications and start new ones.

• If you are a smoker, you may need to quit smoking.

• You will need to stop taking any medications or supplements that increase bleeding.

Apart from these, you will need to talk to your surgeon and gather all the information about the surgery.

The Procedure

First, your surgeon will administer either local anesthesia with IV sedation or general anesthesia for your comfort. After this, your surgeon will make incisions. The incisions depend on the requirements and will be decided by your surgeon.

Once the incisions are made, your surgeon will perform the necessary neck lift techniques to create a contoured neck. The next step is closing the incisions with sutures. The incisions remain hidden due to the hairline or the natural contours of the ear and thus do not disrupt the natural look of the results.

After the Surgery

Once the surgery is complete, your surgeon will give you instructions. A bandage is applied to minimize swelling and bruising that are quite common. All the instructions will be discussed with you by your surgeon in detail and will include steps you need to follow after the procedure to take care of your skin.

Find Out More

Well-respected plastic surgeons Doctors Andrew Ordon and Ritu Chopra have numerous satisfied patients and will be happy to explain the neck lift in greater detail. Set up a consultation by contacting our office.