
The Future of Nose Reshaping

The nose is the most distinguishing feature on a person’s face. And it seems that each one is unique, kind of like a fingerprint. Some embrace what they were born with, but it seems that a great deal of people opt for a nose reshaping surgery. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery’s “2011 Plastic Surgery Report” Rhinoplasty, the more technical name for nose reshaping was the second most popular cosmetic surgical procedure. Over 243,000 people opted to go under the knife for a new nose. But not all patients are ready to take that leap of faith. Luckily, advancing techniques are giving those patients an alternative, less invasive option to alter the unwanted look of one’s nose. The physicians at Ordon Chopra Plastic & Reconstructive surgery are doing non-surgical nose jobs by using dermal fillers. The easiest way to think about it is like having botox done to redefine specific areas of your face, but this time it’s on your nose. As with any decision to be made there are pro’s and con’s to opt for non-surgical nose reshaping over the traditional Rhinoplasty. A huge plus for the masses is that this procedure typically costs less than 10 percent of what a Rhinoplasty surgery would. Also patients have experienced little if any swelling, meaning there is practically no recovery time. Come in during your lunch break and head back to work ready to finish the day. On the flip side the biggest con is that the non-invasive reshaping doesn’t last as long. According to experts the filler will last for a couple of years in which case the patient would come in to have it redone.

Does this non-surgical nose reshaping procedure sound like a cutting edge modern advancement that interests you or would you prefer to be more traditional? It is our goal to enhance your beauty and if that means getting some work done to your nose than we can help! Browse the rest of our website for more information or call Ordon Chopra Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation and we can help you decide which option is best for you.