
Facelift Recovery Surgical Healing Beverly Hills

The years can be cruel to a person’s face. Deep wrinkles and creases, excess fat and loose muscle around the jawline, and hollow cheeks all leave people looking older and more fatigued. Facelifts are the way to rejuvenate the face. If you’re interested, it’s also important to learn about what you’ll need to do during the facelift recovery period.

For anywhere from one to three weeks after your facelift, you will need to stay home to allow the tissues to heal. It’s also important to stay out of the sun during facelift recovery and from any activities that could cause strain and avoid extreme heat during the healing process. You can expect some temporary bruising and swelling. Your doctor will instruct on you on how to deal with this on a case-by-case basis.

The finalized results of your surgery will be ready after all of the swelling subsides during your facelift recovery. To find out more about facelift recovery, contact our Beverly Hills office and arrange a consultation with Dr. Ordon or Dr. Chopra today!