
Breast Revision for Patients Who Are Unsatisfied with Their Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that helps women increase the size of their breasts using implants filled with a saline solution or silicone gel. Breast augmentation has been one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures for many years. Each year, thousands of women undergo breast augmentation to enhance their figures and improve self-confidence.

Although most women who have undergone breast augmentation express satisfaction with the results, some cases don’t go as planned. Revision breast augmentation is the best option for women who are unhappy with the results of their augmentation procedures.

When Should You Consider Revision Breast Augmentation?

Women decide to undergo breast revision surgery after they face issues following their primary augmentation procedure. These issues include:

• Dissatisfaction with appearance or size of implants
• Implant rupture
• Dissatisfaction with how the implants feel
• Skin rippling
• Medical issues stemming from the initial procedure
• Capsular contracture (the formation of thick scar tissue around the implants)
• Poor results, especially from an aesthetic point of view

Revision breast augmentation can correct these issues and also replace or remove implants from the primary augmentation procedure.

What Are the Issues That Can Be Addressed by Revision Breast Augmentation?

Revision breast surgery is conducted for cosmetic or medical purposes. The procedure can correct the following conditions and more:

Capsular Contracture: Although the formation of a scar-tissue capsule around the implant is a common occurrence, it can become harder and thicker over time. This leads to capsular contracture, which is uncomfortable and can become dangerous. Revision surgery can be used to release the capsule or remove it entirely so the patient can be more comfortable.

Downsizing: It is common that women with breast implants may choose to take down the size a couple of notches. Revision augmentation allows the patient to switch from larger implants to smaller ones that are more appropriate to their requirements and comfort.

Ruptured Implants: Although breast implants are safe and reliable, in some cases, they can rupture or start leaking. This causes them to release saline or silicone gel. Through breast revision surgery, these damaged implants can be removed, and fresh implants can be inserted in their place.

Rippling: This condition is rather common in particularly thin women. Breast implants often cause ripples. Rippling is caused when the implants cause visible disturbances in the skin’s surface. This condition can be treated by camouflaging these ripples using fatty tissue from another part of the patient’s body or using a type of biological scaffolding material.

Revision breast augmentation is also the best option for women who want to correct their poorly positioned implants. The procedure is ideal for ladies who want to have their implants completely removed. It is also possible to change the position of the areola and elevate the nipple through revision breast augmentation.

Your Breast Revision Surgery

Doctors Andrew Ordon and Ritu Chopra are experienced plastic surgeons who will be happy to help you with breast revision surgery. During a consultation, you will be able to ask any questions you may have, and your plastic surgeon will recommend the appropriate course of action to address your needs and goals. Schedule a consultation by contacting us today.