
Breast Augmentation Beverly Hills Breast Enhancement

For women considering a breast augmentation, it’s comforting to know that this procedure comes with an incredibly high satisfaction rate. Opting for this surgery can completely change the way a person feels about their body.

Despite the enormous success surrounding the procedure, it is important to understand that breast augmentation surgery cannot perform miracles. So before you decide to have cosmetic surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Andrew Ordon and Dr. Ritu Chopra.

Silicone-gel-filled breast implants have been FDA approved for use in cosmetic breast augmentation surgery. Numerous research studies over the years ultimately found no link between silicone gel breast implants and systemic diseases, breast cancer or reproductive problems. As a result, silicone has become the implant filler of choice for women seeking breast enhancements.

The office in Beverly Hills is the home of both Dr. Ordon and Dr. Chopra. Contact them today to set up a consultation and learn more about breast augmentation surgery.