
Blepharoplasty Surgery for Younger-Looking Eyes

Drooping eyelids are the main reason people choose to opt for eyelid surgery. A Blepharoplasty is perfect for removing and tightening the excess skin on the eyelids for a more youthful appearance. Blepharoplasty can also improve the patient’s vision by correcting an obstructed field of vision. The procedure involves removing excess skin and muscle from the lower or upper eyelids while also repositioning excess fat. In some cases, only the skin needs to be removed.

Blepharoplasty can elevate the margin of the upper eyelid if the excessive skin’s heaviness causes the upper eyelid to weigh down, making it droop. It can also remove puffy bags and other issues in the lower lids.

What Is Cosmetic Blepharoplasty?

Cosmetic blepharoplasty is done to improve the appearance of your eyes. Aging can cause your upper and lower eyelids to become baggy or droopy. The eyelid skin stretches, the muscles holding the eyelids taut weaken, and the fat pockets end up becoming more prominent. In some cases, this is hereditary. All this can detract from the attractiveness of your eyes and make you look tired and considerably older.

What Is Functional Blepharoplasty?

A functional blepharoplasty is performed for medical purposes. It is typically done to remove loose skin from the patient’s upper eyelid when it droops so low that it ends up obstructing their field of vision, making it unable for them to drive or perform other visual tasks. In some cases, the eyelids can droop so low that it makes it difficult for the patient to wear contact lenses or glasses.

Other conditions that necessitate a functional blepharoplasty include:

The Procedure

You will be administered local anesthesia at the start of your procedure to numb the area around your eyes, ensuring that you are comfortable. If the procedure involves both the upper and lower eyelids, the surgeon might recommend general anesthesia.

Once this step is complete, incisions are created in the eyelids. Through these incisions, the surgeon is able to alter excess fat, tighten loose muscle tissue, and remove excess hanging skin. Very small dissolvable sutures are then used to close the incisions.

Are You the Right Candidate for This Surgery?

If you are not sure whether you are the right candidate for blepharoplasty, the best way to find out is by speaking with world renowned Beverly Hills plastic surgeons Doctors Andrew Ordon and Ritu Chopra. During your consultation, they will evaluate your eyelids and give you an assessment. They will evaluate you for risk factors like dry eyes, a thyroid problem, and diabetes.

Smokers have a higher risk of facing complications during the surgery, as they tend to heal more slowly. If you are a smoker, it is advised that you quit for a few weeks prior to the procedure.

To schedule your informative consultation with Doctors Ordon and Chopra, contact our office and arrange an appointment.